
Showing posts from May, 2020

Step 2: The Gear, Part 4B - Custom Clothing

Due to COVID-19 my entire daily/weekly/monthly routine is in turmoil and I haven't been able to keep up with all the shenanigans of the prep so I need to back-date a few articles - including the saga about my new gear. In late March I finally found a company that made custom gear for adventure riders: Rubber Side Down . Their pricing seemed reasonable and the style and features matched my style preferences so I banged out their online request form and submitted my details with a list of questions about the measurements and garment options. The company's owner was quick to respond and before you knew it I had most of my questions answered. The next step was to finalize my measurements - which turned out to be an adventure all its own! With the company's owner on speakerphone from Canada, me standing in my office in little more than my skivvies and with my wonderful wife wielding a garment tape-measure we were guided through about two-dozen measurements, each being called